any ideas ppl? because i think tht her hair looks soo pretty in the second season of Hannah Montana
and my hair is almost the length of her's and i always wanted to try to make my hair curly like that but i have no idea how
Does anybody know how i can get my hair curly like Miley Cyrus's??
get it done proffessionally and bring in a picture of miley cyrus and tell them that is what you want done AND make sure you point it out specifically
Does anybody know how i can get my hair curly like Miley Cyrus's??
If you add mousse to your hair and then blow dry it with a diffuser, most hair curls well from that.
Does anybody know how i can get my hair curly like Miley Cyrus's??
Try looking in and typing in "Miley Cyrus hair"
It should give you some how to guides to get your hair like that.
I love her hair too and what I do is when I come out of the shower, I apply mousse and then roll my hair up in buns and let it air dry and take it out. it gives it nice relaxed curls that she has. But check out wikihow anyways.
Does anybody know how i can get my hair curly like Miley Cyrus's??
just use a curling iron
Does anybody know how i can get my hair curly like Miley Cyrus's??
you could schedule a perm and take in pictures of her to give your stylist an idea.
her hair is semi-wavyish too.... you can always spray a salt water mixture into your hair.....that will make it wavy
another thing to do is to just go to your store and look for a curl enhancing or curling sort of product spray...those will give you the wavy look you want.
Does anybody know how i can get my hair curly like Miley Cyrus's??
instead of using a ceramic curling iron, use the steel one. it holds the curls longer.
Does anybody know how i can get my hair curly like Miley Cyrus's??
Yes i do. You need a medium-sized curling iron, volumizing spray ($6 at drugstores), and someone to help you do the back. It's really actually simple.
You need to start out with wet hair and blow dry until damp. Then, spray volumizing spray under and on top of your hair. Finish blowdrying until completely dry or else the curling iron will fry your hair. Next, heat up the curling iron. Make sure you head is completely tangle free. Then, start with a piece of hair (not too thick of a piece). Wrap around curling iron and hold for five seconds. Once unwrapped use comb NOT A BRUSH! Seriously do not use a brush or it will ruin the curls. Use a comb and untagle very very very softly. Do the same with the rest of your hair. You will need the person to help you do the back of your head. It's not easy to do it your self. TRUST ME! I've tried and it wasn't very good at the end. Once completely finished spray a light sheet of Aussie hair spray ($4 at drugtstores and WAL-MART.) Once you've sprayed it on put one more sheet of volumizing spray ONLY on the TOP. don't do it on the bottom this time. Then, when you're donee. Go out having your hair looking beautiful!! Hope I helped. This worked perfect on me. Have Fun!
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